NS-1010 is a custom blend of calcium propionate and potassium sorbate. This custom blend is effective at a pH range of 5.0-6.5 against different types of spoilage organisms, which makes this system more effective. This blend allows for enhanced stability and increased shelf life.
NS-1010 is a deodorized preservative system effective against, mold, and rope bacteria at a pH range of 5.0-6.5. The calcium propionate portion of this blend is effective at the pH of 5.0 against mold, rope, and some bacteria but is ineffective against yeast. Calcium Propionate is commonly used in bread, tortillas, and other baked goods. Potassium sorbate is effective up to a pH of 6.5 against yeast and mold.
We recommend a usage rate of 0.05-0.10% of the weight of the food being applied to. NS-1010shelf life is up to 18 months and has been tested to be effective for up to 30 days once applied. Store in a cool, dry, and dark place.
This blend comes in 40 to 50lbs. or 20kg (net weight) heat-sealed packages. Each package is a 3-tiered multi-wall Kraft paper bag.
Color: White (free from discoloration)
Form: Powder